Thursday, September 13, 2012

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On the rocky road of Love, some of the deep potholes you encounter can cause a blowout. Careful driving with both eyes on the road will help you avoid the innumerable hazards that can wreck your precious bond. Relationships need attention and care, much like a car needs gas, a tune-up and an oil change every 3,000 miles. On your journey of love, prevent the three most treacherous and common relationship pitfalls.

Money, insecurity and fear of change are three demons that can spell doom for a relationship. We will examine each hot spot and create a set of affirmations that will keep your relationship humming.

    Pitfall One: Money

    Money is not the greatest hazard to your relationship that everyone believes it to be. Money just makes the easiest argument, guaranteed to put everyone at odds. Money casts a weird spell in very unpredictable ways. The people who have much money tend to be very worried about losing it. To those with little, money is a constant concern, pain and need. Money drives some people mad. It urges others to steal and kill. Some don't have a care or worry about it. But to many, money becomes a sensitive hot button issue. Money is a scapegoat, an excuse catch-all for many other issues and problems. Your soulmate may scream, "How much did you spend on those damn curtains?!," but what he would rather honestly admit is, "Honey, I feel like you've been pushing me away and I am lonely."
    Money is always the easiest excuse. Everyone uses it. Someone is either spending too much or too little. Money is the easiest way to start an argument. When your boss yells at you for someone else's mistake, you can work the hurt feelings out in the gym or you can go home and pick a fight with your mate. "Do you really need that Porsche?" If you are angry that he has left the sink full of dirty dishes, push some buttons and remind him that he is not bringing home enough bacon. Money causes mayhem. It is the easiest way to insult and anger the one you love. Our society places a great deal of importance and imagined power on money. Your wealth is your stature. In a relationship, money can easily corrupt your pure love.
    If we strip it naked, money is merely a unit of measure, an accounting tool. Money is a means of trade and exchange. Money holds no value in the strength of your relationship. Money can never be a symbol of your romantic achievements. Your partnership is the focus of your greatest success. The health, direction and progress of your partnership are where your greatest riches lie.

    When the fires of a money argument start to smolder, step aside and ask, "What is the underlying problem here? What are we really arguing about?" Arguments over money rarely have anything to do with finances. Exhaust all your possibilities. What started your disagreement? Look for feelings of anger, resentment or failures with the zeal of a crime scene investigator. Who knows? At the end of the day, you may discover that nothing is amiss and the electric bill really is overdue.

    Pitfall Two: Insecurity

    What is the difference between a relationship and a partnership? A relationship implies love and romance. A partnership sounds more like a business deal, with roles and responsibilities carefully defined. You are seeking a healthy love with elements of both. A relationship is made up of You, Me and Us.
    Often times, love and emotion get tangled in mixed feelings and painful insecurities. In the workplace, none of that is tolerated. As a partner in love, you must balance yourself with heart and with your mind. Living closely and intimately is a wonderful thing. But it must be managed.

    Insecurity can arise when your mate participates in activities and interests without you. However, partners must have their own identity respected and acknowledged. Together, you share mutual interests. Separately, you pursue your own. You and your mate are two independent individuals who have partnered to pursue a common goal. "Happily ever after" needs definition. Ask, "Together, what does a happy life mean to you, me and us?" Create concrete goals. Love will never be far away.

    Pitfall Three: Change

    In Life, you seek stability, looking for the things that you can trust, count on and believe in. You expect the same from a relationship. As human beings, we naturally seek an order to our ever-changing world. Stability is elusive to embrace. Stability rarely exists. By accepting the reality of our world and the need to embrace change, we create a greater worldview of Life. It allows us to discern the difference between the things we can worry about and those that we should not bother about.
    What can you change? And what are the things over which you have no control? The earth that stands so firmly beneath your feet is an illusion. Everything changes. Terra Firma appears stable, but in reality, the earth's crust is very, very thin. There is little that protects us from the molten lava core of our planet Earth. An earthquake is a terribly frightening and beautifully awe-inspiring event. A quake is a reminder of how fragile our existence is. Nature is always blooming and decaying. Accept Change. It's happening whether you like it or not. An appreciation of Change will become the life force and strength of your Love.

    True Love is never easy. Like all good things in life, your relationship needs attention and maintenance. Check the oil. Wash the car. Keep the air in your tires. Hit the gas and let your love fly.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Embracing Uncertainty in Life and Love

The only thing that's certain is uncertainty. Life is change and growth and evolution, which can be exhilarating but change can also feel taxing and painful. Change creates new tensions and uncertainties in our lives. There are so many events over which we have no control. Can you let go of control? In doing so, you are able to step back and appreciate the wonder of our world and learn to embrace uncertainty, a fearsome, yet beautiful certainty of life.
To embrace uncertainty is one of the highest levels of spiritual growth. It demands a high level of spiritual fitness. We have all had moments of great clarity, when the world revolves and spins in perfect harmony with our own rhythm, like a precisely calibrated grandfather clock.
You seek to find the highest level of your spiritual development. This is your enlightenment. As you grow and learn, new ascendancies offer greater rewards. One of these gifts and skills is an ability to embrace Uncertainty. All you can do is exhale. Breathe deeply. Relentlessly ride on through the cycles of your life.
To embrace uncertainty in Love and Life, you need an understanding of the world and your place in it. Look for the interconnectivity in all things. You are a part of the network. You will come to appreciate the joy of change, like a cheese connoisseur favors a washed rind.
We are not programmed to embrace uncertainty and fear. It goes against our nature. It triggers our fight or flight instincts. Carefully examine the situation. Put a light into the dark places. Dig deep and objectively and you will begin to understand what you fear. In the end, it is all quite simple. You will find your worries are baseless or understandable. There are many layers of confusion to sort through when we examine what we are afraid of. All it takes is time and clarity.
This level of objectivity is required to embrace the uncertainties of Love. In Love, you bond for the comfort and security of a safe place. Safety is generally incompatible with change and this is where the danger lies. You must step back and always keep an eye on your relationship from a distance. Perspective is oxygen to Love. Sometimes you get so confused and enmeshed in the details, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture of the grand design.
This perspective will remind you that Love is like a river - it keeps rolling along. The stability of your Love is as secure as a wide raft on a wild river ride. Your Love will always be tossed about, cresting waves and plunging down the trough. But you stay together. Your ideal relationship is akin to a long-lasting, deeply felt friendship. You have a partner with whom you will navigate Life. The unit that you create, by its nature, is always growing and evolving.
Uncertainty in Love is like fertilizer for a flower. It keeps things fresh and exciting. Love does not have to be uncertain or suspicious. Together, you can make an adventure of the rocks and potholes in the road of your journey. You must treat all of the hardships that Life tosses in your way as grand entertainment.
You must have faith in the evolution of your Love, the belief that your Love will triumph through all challenges, evolutions and uncertainties. This is how you embrace uncertainty. This is how you embrace Life. Find comfort in the process of the journey.
Where does uncertainty originate? Why do we doubt? If your sweet pure soul were never influenced, you would never know uncertainty. Other people have influenced your Life. Circumstances, tragic and transcendent, have forged your character. You have been taught to worry about many things. Use this knowledge to maintain your perspective. You can disown the worry.
On a physical level, laughter is a fast and easy way to embrace uncertainty. Laughter can relax you. It can cut a bully of a problem down to size. You don't need a joke to laugh. You can fake it. Your body does not have a sense of humor, but it does know the physical sensations of laughter. When you laugh, you breathe deeply, using all of your lungs. Your body moves and relaxes. Laugh and you will embrace uncertainty. To laugh is to breathe.
Embracing uncertainty is one of the most difficult things you can ever do. The action resides on the highest levels of spiritual growth. This is the goal for the enlightened: To embrace uncertainty.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is True Beauty?

There are a thousand definitions of beauty. And there are many degrees of each. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is sadness in beauty. Beauty can be ugly. It is a concept that has haunted poets, artists and academics for centuries.
Males are visual creatures. In their minds' eye, like the posters teenage boys hang on their bedroom walls, men have an inflated idea of beauty. But to see how he really finds beauty in his surroundings, look at the girl with whom he spends time and feels most comfortable. She is often the opposite of the bedroom poster, maybe a friends, sister, aunt or cousin. She is the one he enjoys being with most. To be able to laugh with someone, we must drop our guards. Beauty is to be free and to act naturally. Oddly, getting there can be difficult.
Today, messages and information are aimed at us in very new ways. It is happening faster than humans can adapt and evolve. Life is demanding more than we can give. In turn, you rely on text messages rather than physical conversation. The heart is missing in our lives and you must bring it back.
We judge the book by its cover. It's usually untrue and unwise, but we place a great weight of importance on the first impression. In truth, a first impression offers fast, mostly visual cues, to make an assumption of another. Physical appearance is the first thing we see and it becomes our Achilles heel. The first impression is always the most expensive.
It is expensive because of what we lose. The priority one sets on appearances in the physical realm is to deny oneself the quality and beauty of the spirit. If you choose to focus on the beauty within, you will receive the value of true communication with another. To ignore the essence of another is to deny your own humanity.
Beauty has always been costly. By the time you have been plucked, pinched and enhanced, you can easily spend a fortune on the latest product or the most popular nip and tuck. The pursuit of beauty can also deny nature. In the fevered race to erase a wrinkle, we try to stop time and the slow and inevitable progress of nature. It is a fight no human can win. Beauty can also be a sport or a goal. Can you be more beautiful than you already are? No. Sure, every car needs a fresh coat of paint and a few new pin stripes but the real, true beauty comes from within your chassis.
There is boldness in choice and people can easily recognize it in you. To choose beauty, determines that you have pondered the question, objectified the issues and made a choice. You have asked, "What will I project today? What will I put out into the world?" Then you choose and follow it through. Embracing victimhood is a way to lick your past wounds but it never yields any positive future-oriented gains. You lead by example. Choose beauty.
Look at a flower as you would look upon a work of art. Appreciate it. Enjoy it. Relax and just let it all in. Then look at yourself the same way. You are a perfect and unique creation of nature, just like a flower. This may be hard to do and you must persist through all of the negativity and voices in your head. Remember those voices do not speak truth. They are merely the echoes of insecurity and comic relief. Appreciation for beauty isn't forced. Beauty cannot be beaten into you. Beauty must be invited and it must flow. If you want to exhibit your true nature, all you can do is let go.
It is hard to let go. These days, with Life howling around us like a hurricane, we instinctively try to hang on for dear life. To be beautiful, to live in the flow, is a monumentally important task that requires only openness, desire and a few simple actions.
Silence is the key that unlocks the mystery. A quiet meditation. Say a prayer. Sit down and have a little chat with yourself. Open this door and you will be answered with your own beauty.
Do something that makes you happy. Let go and take the time for yourself. Something simple. Call a friend. Go to a movie. Get a massage. You do not need to spend a hundred dollars. Shop, but don't buy anything, at a flower shop. Bake a cake. Take a hike. Do something that is purposed for you. When this happens, your beauty will begin to show. Others will recognize it and be drawn to it. You have allowed your beauty to flow.

Past Loves, Past Lives

A glance, a smile, a sign of recognition on both sides. Is it possible that you have encountered each other in another life? Could you be looking into the eyes of your soulmate? And if you happen to be looking for that one special person, could this turn out to be the love of your life? Not just this life, but a past life too? The instant recognition is undeniable, and yet, you've never met … at least not in this life.
There are many ways to dig deeper into your attraction for this all-to-familiar stranger. Calling a professional psychic can aid you in your quest to know what you really want to know: Is this my soulmate?
He could be the reason you're here, or he could be a support in your journey here, helping you as you try to resolve other challenges. He comes to you and protects you and makes you feel safe in a way no one else can. Since you are soulmates, you give each other exactly what the other needs and understand each other on a level deeper than you share with anyone else.

Can You Have More Than One Soulmate?

It is quite possible that we have more than one soulmate. The well-known psychic Edgar Cayce was of the belief that souls evolve in what we on Earth can equate only to communities; that the people in our lives, such as our brothers, mothers, cousins and even friends, have probably been with us in other lives in one way or another – and maybe not in the same roles or types of relationships we now share with them. Within our groups are people we come to recognize throughout our lives here on Earth. They are the people we connect with instantly or even sometimes dislike for no reason at all, because they have played many roles in our many past lives. The soul we are born with can carry a type of memory of past lives and therefore the way react to these individuals is probably due to our interaction with them in other lives.
Within these soul groups are one, two, or a few souls who travel with us no matter where or when we reincarnate; they know and understand us like no one else can and vice versa. These individual souls who are with us always are known as our true soulmates and are the ones with which we usually form our closest relationships in life.
Sometimes these soulmate relationships manifest for only a short time, just long enough to help us here on our journey, but in most cases, they are with us throughout our lives. Finding your soulmate here on Earth, and finding true love in general, may not always be an easy feat. Circumstances of timing, location and situations all play a part in the bigger picture and dictate where and when we meet up with our soulmates … again. If you're looking for your soulmate and you haven't met him yet, know that he is out there, and he is most likely waiting to find you too. It is that inner knowing that he's out there that feeds our search to find "the one." Though some souls in your soul community may not be with you on your current journey, your soulmate is here, just waiting to find you. You may find him when you are young, middle-aged or even later in life, but if it is planned or destined to be, you will find each other.

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Déjà Vu and Shared Interests

Do you have an affinity for a certain time or era, such as ancient Rome or New York City in the 1930s? It could be possible that your interest in that certain time has something to do with the fact that you may have lived during that time. Is there a place you've never been before and when you arrive there, it all seems so familiar, like you've been there before? Some call this déjà vu, and some believe that déjà vu is simply the way we recall past life memories. Think about the circumstance that brought you to this place and you may start to realize the bigger picture of why you are here now, in this time, and with those individuals we have in our lives or meet throughout.
If you mention your interest in a certain time or place to a friend or relative, you may find that they too have a fondness for that same place in time, and that's probably because you've been there together. There are certain ways to meditate on this idea, and if you would like to explore it further, a gifted psychic can guide you on your path to enlightenment. You may even want to explore the idea of past life regression. Either way, looking back on your past lives may help you to realize why you're here and what it is you have come here to work on. Calling a professional psychic can give you the answers to the questions you ponder.
When you gaze upon a stranger for the first time and you feel that mutual recognition, there is no other feeling like that in the world. You feel compelled to know him better and to find out what makes him seem so familiar. If your past relationship with your soulmate was a loving and fulfilled one, you may just be here with him out of sheer love and the need for his companionship. Perhaps he's come to help you here on your journey and you for his.
Alternatively, if you meet this recognizable stranger and form a bond with him and you have had issues in the past; you may come together in this life to work past the obstacles that may have driven you apart in other lives.
Each of us has at least one true soulmate that we interact with on many levels and throughout many incarnations. Call a psychic today and find your true soulmate, find where he is and when you will meet him or find out if you already have. Get started on making your life more complete and fulfilled and find your true happiness.

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